Madhan Neethiraj, Apache Ranger committer
Dec 12, 2023
Apache Ranger policy model offers a rich set of features that help security administrators handle various access and governance requirements with ease. These features include:
1. Consistent model to authorize access data in large number of services
2. Ability to dynamically apply data masking and row-filtering
3. Delegated access control administration
4. Ability to explicitly deny access
5. Use of wildcards in resource names in access policies
6. Role-based access control (RBAC)
7. Tag-based access control (TBAC), based on tags associated with resources
8. Attribute-based access control (ABAC), based on attributes of users, groups and tags
In addition to above, Apache Ranger policies can use various attributes available in the access context to authorize the access - attributes including resource owner, time of access, tags associated with the accessed resource, attributes of user/groups/tags, groups/roles the user belongs to. This document explores use cases that can leverage such attributes in policies using dynamic expressions.
Apache Ranger policy engine evaluates dynamic expressions specified in policies using the script engine included in the JVM, in a sandboxed environment. Dynamic expressions can be used in Apache Ranger policies in following contexts:
Expressions can used in policy conditions to decide whether to evaluate the policy or a policy-item. These expressions should evaluate to a boolean value i.e., true or false. Examples:
Condition for highly sensitive data (level >= 10)
TAG.sensitiveLevel >= 10
Condition to check if the user has appropriate level of clearance to access sensitive data
USER.allowedSensitiveLevel >= TAG.sensitiveLevel
Condition to check if the user belongs to group finance and is in role analyst
IS_IN_GROUP('finance') AND IS_IN_ROLE('analyst')
Expressions can be used to set up row-filters with dynamic values. To distinguish expressions from the rest of the row-filter text, they should be enclosed within delimiters ${{ and }}. Examples:
Row-filter expression to restrict users to access only rows belonging to their department:
dept_code == ${{USER.department}}
Row-filter expression to restrict users to access only rows from data sources specified in user attribute named allowedSources:
data_source in (${{USER.allowedSources}})
Use of expressions in resource names can help reduce the number of policies, which in turn makes it easier to manage policies. Examples:
Policy resource for home directory of the user:
Policy resource for directory of user's department:
Policy resource for database of user's department:
Variable/Function name |
Description |
Example values |
Names of tags associated with the resource, as a CSV (comma separated values) string |
Names of attributes in all tags associated with the resource, as a CSV string |
piiType,sensitiveLevel |
GET_TAG_ATTR(attrName) |
Value of the given attribute in tags associated with the resource, as a CSV string |
Names of groups the user belongs to, as a CSV string |
managers,finance-admins |
Names of all attributes in groups the user belongs to, as a CSV string |
attr1,attr2 |
GET_UG_ATTR(attrName) |
Value of the given attribute in groups the user belongs to, as a CSV string |
val1 |
Names of roles assigned to the user, as a CSV string |
analyst,dba |
Names of all attributes of the user, as a CSV string |
allowedSensitiveLevel, allowedSources |
GET_USER_ATTR(attrName) |
Value of the given attribute associated with the user |
10 |
HAS_TAG(tagName) |
Is the given tag associated with the resource? |
true false |
Is any tag associated with the resource? |
true false |
Are not tags associated with the resource? |
true false |
HAS_USER_ATTR(attrName) |
Does the user have the given attribute? |
true false |
HAS_UG_ATTR(attrName) |
Does any group associated with the user have the specified attribute? |
true false |
HAS_TAG_ATTR(attrName) |
Does any tag associated with the resource have the specified attribute? |
true false |
IS_IN_GROUP(groupName) |
Does the user belong to the specified group? |
true false |
IS_IN_ROLE(roleName) |
Is the user assigned to the specified role? |
true false |
Does the user belong to any group? |
true false |
Is any role assigned to the user? |
true false |
Does the user belong to no group? |
true false |
Is the user associated with no roles? |
true false |
Request details, as a map |
{ "accessType": "select", "clientIPAddress": "", "clusterType": "etl", "clusterName": "etl-e1", "accessType": "select", "user": "scott", "userGroups": [ "g1" ], "userRoles": [ "r1" ], } |
Resource details, as a map |
{ "database": "db1", "table": "tbl1", "Column": "col1", "_ownerUser": "jane" } |
Current tag, as a map. This is available only in tag-based policies. |
{ "_type": "SENSITIVE", "sensitiveLevel": 10 } |
Names of tags associated with the resource, as a list |
[ "PII", "SENSITIVE" ] |
All tags associated with the resource, as a map |
{ "SENSITIVE": { "_type", "SENSITIVE", "level": 10 }, "PII": { "_type", "PII", "piiType": "email" } } |
Names of groups the user belongs to, as a list |
[ "g1" ] |
Names of roles the user is assigned to, as a list |
[ "r1" ] |
Name of the user |
"scott" |
Most functions listed in the table above take optional parameters, to make it easier to handle use cases that require special handling.
A function call can include a default value as an optional parameter, which will be returned when there is no value available. For example, consider the following expression:
USER.allowedSensitiveLevel >= TAG.sensitiveLevel
When the user doesn’t have an attribute named allowedSensitiveLevel, the expression will always evaluate to false since USER.allowedSensitiveLevel would evaluate to null. To handle such cases, consider the following alternate expression which would use 0 as the value instead of null:
GET_USER_ATTR('allowedSensitiveLevel', 0) >= TAG.sensitiveLevel
Here is another example of using default value in function calls:
dept_code in (${{GET_UG_ATTR('deptCode', -1)}})
Functions that return a CSV string, like GET_TAG_NAMES(), can include following optional parameters:
optional #1. default value: value to return when no value is available
optional #2. separator: string to use as the separator between values
Here is an example of using optional parameters:
GET_TAG_NAMES('', '|') == 'tag1|tag2|tag3'
Each function that returns a CSV string has another version with _Q appended to the function name; this version surrounds each value within quotes. For example, consider the following row-filter expression:
location_state IN (${{GET_UG_ATTR_Q('state')}})
The expression can evaluate to the following, if the user belongs to groups having an attribute named state:
location_state IN ('CA','OR','WA')